How to Nail Your Startup Job Interview

We are.
3 min readApr 21, 2021

- by Riya Ipe

Interviewing can be quite daunting for any job seeker. It is a two-way street, with the interviewer trying to gauge if you’re a good fit and you’re trying to figure out if the company is right for you.

What makes interviewing for a startup different? While the basic rules remain the same, interviewers at a startup look for a lot more than skills and knowledge in candidates. The unique environment and challenges of a startup requires candidates with additional talents, transferable skills, interests, and unusual experiences that can take their business to the next level.

Here’s what you will need to impress the hiring managers and snag your startup job.

Do your research

Researching the company’s vision, culture and values will help you understand if you identify with their vision and align with their values. Determining the market value and growth potential will give you a lot of valuable information. Familiarize yourself with the latest industry trends, updates and competitors to understand the potential challenges. This will help you offer solutions during the discussion and show that you are genuinely interested. Try out the product to gain first-hand experience, read reviews and case studies to understand the customer perspective. Demonstrating an understanding of the company and product conveys your passion and enthusiasm, helping you stand out.

Punch above your weight

Startups do not always consider only those who are technically qualified on paper. They value people who are confident, passionate and ambitious. The get-it-done attitude, personal initiative, willingness to learn could outweigh the lack of relevant technical skills. Admit what you don’t know and convey a strategy for developing those new skills. Show the interviewer how your skills and experience would lend themselves to the role. Even if you may not fit the cookie-cutter mold, being prepared to punch above your weight could be a deal breaker.

Show your startup mindset

Being self-directed, driven, committed, and versatile will help you stand out among candidates interviewing for a startup. Speed, adaptability, flexibility and initiative are crucial in the fast paced environment. Show how you have used these skills by relating it to your work background and experience. Startups look for doers — those who can strategize and execute without constant supervision. Highlight what you have done and the results achieved with compelling and persuasive details. Express confidence and demonstrate a growth mindset.

Ask smart questions

Interviewers usually let you ask questions at the end of the interview. It is the perfect opportunity to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Asking smart questions not only advances your knowledge, it also shows that you are interested and engaged. You could ask about the company’s vision, the business plan, funding situation, current challenges, and the roadmap for the future. Doing research on the business helps you come up with informed and intelligent questions that are sure to impress the interviewer. Asking the right questions demonstrates a lot of your qualities, shows that you are well prepared and serious about the role.

Pay attention to your body language, articulation and presentation. Practice is crucial to maximising your performance and boosting your confidence, much needed to ace the interview. The key is to let your unique personality shine through.

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